
Interesting Facts You Didn't Know About Prophet Owuor...Why Do People Always Die In His Rallies???

1. Doesn’t Derive his Wealth from his Congregation
It is a common fact that religious leaders and evangelists derive part or even all of their
wealth from the church. They will either ask the congregations to make offerings, donations
or buy church merchandise. Strangely, Prophet Owuor doesn’t accept donations or
offerings from church members.

2. Always Dresses in White
Although many people might have seen the self­proclaimed prophet preach, few have ever
taken notice of his dressing. A closer look reveals that he dresses only in white. This also
includes the shoes. Probably, he does this so as to bring out the cleanliness or purity
aspect. The Christian bible always depicts Jesus as wearing garments that are pure white.

3. Guest Speaker in Many Forums
Many people especially in Kenya came to know of prophet Owuor from his crusades. Some
took notice of him when he presumably led the former Prime Minister of Kenya, Raila
Odinga to Christ. Unknown to many people, he spends most of his time giving talks or
participating in forums and not holding miracle crusades.

4. Prophesies Pegged on Scientific Predictions
His prophesies or forecasts of future happenings have always been a bone of contention.
This has split people into two. Some may call him the Prophet of Doom; others nickname
him the man of God, while others believe his miracles are stage managed. One thing that
stands out is that most of his predictions about nature (earthquakes, hurricanes, and
torrential rains) had been forecast by scientists.

5. Doesn’t Ask or Mention Offerings
People who are versed with Christian teachings know the importance of offerings or
sacrifices. According to the bible, every believer is supposed to make a contribution to the
church. This can be an offering, a one­off donation, or a 10% tithe. Nonetheless, the
prophet never talks or speaks of offerings. He also doesn’t encourage his church members
to contribute to the church kitty.

6. Uses the Internet as a Main Platform
Many preachers and teachers of the bible use the traditional mass media as a way of
reaching out to their congregation. These include use of television, radio, newspapers and
much more. However, Dr. Owuor will more often than not use the internet. In fact, he is
rarely seen on television or heard over the radio.

7. The Prophesies Have No Exact Time of Occurrence
He has gained popularity for predicting events that came to pass; for example, the Haiti
catastrophe, Tsunami, unrest in Kenya and much more. Unfortunately, the time interval has
always been so wide such that people are more convinced that he relies more on scientific
knowledge and not power from a supreme being.

8. The Digital Prophet

Unlike other preachers, he doesn’t rely so much on television or radio for publicity. Dr.
Owuor is always posting his works or seminars online. Once in a while he will release a
YouTube video or podcast to give the world a view of a recent crusade or upcoming event.
Rarely does he use the conventional mass media.

9. No books, Anointed handkerchiefs, or Medallions

Normally, preachers will have books and recordings on sale. They may be based on
previous teachings or may be a way of encouraging the people to walk the Christian path.
In his seminars, crusades or any other forum, Prophet Owuor doesn’t sell any books,
anointed oil and handkerchiefs or medallions.

10. Speaks in Interdenominational Forums
Unlike many other evangelists, bible teachers, preachers or prophets, his ministry is
interdenominational. He does not have an affiliation to a particular group. Also, he speaks
in any forum especially those that centre on miraculous healing.
From the above facts, it’s clear that information about the self­proclaimed man­of­God is
still quite limited. In fact, it seems as if the more people try to get more information about
him the “more gray” the details become. All­in­all, he still commands a large following
particularly in Kenya despite the many controversies or negative rumours that surround

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