
REVEALED: Uwezo Fund Chair Wanjiru Gathira Did Not Graduate from US Law School

UWEZO Fund chairperson Wanjiru Gathira is not a graduate of Suffolk University Law School in Boston as she has claimed for many years.

"We do not have anyone by that name who has ever graduated from this law school," a woman in the Office of the Registrar told the Star on Friday.

When asked for more details about Gathira, she said, "I can only give you a Yes or No answer about whether she graduated".

In 1996 Gathira was the subject of an investigation by the Office of the Inspector General of the US Department of Commerce.

"Officials at Suffolk University Law School did not allow Ms. Gathira to graduate because of the false statements on her financial aid applications, even though she had successfully completed all of the required course work," OIG documents state.

"Wanjiru Gathira was sentenced to two years probation and ordered to pay restitution of $38,596 in connection with the fraudulent receipt of Federal FamilyEducation Loans and Federal Work Study funds," said the OIG.

"Gathira, who was a law student at Suffolk University Law School, Boston, Massachusetts completed all of her financial aid paperwork to falsely indicate that she was a citizen of the United States when in fact she was a citizen of Kenya," said the OIG.

"During the time period that she was claiming to be a US citizen on her financial aid applications, she was also applying for asylum in the United States," state the documents.

Last week Gathira told the Star that she was never sentenced while studying in America and threatened to sue the Star if it published the story.

“Just go ahead and print the story,” she said before hanging up.

Gathira's profile on LinkedIn states that she went to Slippery Rock University in Pennsylvania, Suffolk University Law School in Boston and United States International University in Kenya.

“Wanjiru holds a Global Executive MBA degree from the United States International University, a Juris Doctor (law degree) from Suffolk University Law School, and a BSc in Business Administration from Slippery Rock
University,” states the website of the Social Impact Institute - Africa where she is the managing director.

Devolution CS Anne Waiguru appointed Gathira to chair Uwezo Fund Oversight Board in February 2014.

According to the Public Finance Management (Uwezo Fund) Regulations 2014, the chairperson must be a university graduate; meet the Ethics and Integrity standards of Chapter Six of the Constitution; and have five years of experience.

Gathira has over 15 years experience in the United Nations Environment Programme, international development organizations and the private sector as well as working as a management consultant.

The Uwezo Fund is a flagship project of the Jubilee government. It is meant to expand access to finance by youth, women and persons with disabilities at the constituency level.

- The Star

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