
SHOCKING XPOSE: After a WIFE beating Now Moses Kuria reveals the day CORD Principle Senator MOSES WETANGULA Collapsed in KISUMU After An Over Dose of VIAGRA....THIS VERY EMBARRASSING SEE DETAILS

Moses Wetungula is making news again, like he did a while back,when he reported that he was being domestically violated by his wife.

A new can of worms has been opened, and he will not like any of the words thrown at him.

Well, Wetangula tried to quench off the venomous, daring and gutty MP Moses Kuria after he allegedly reported Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka and him to UN chief Ban Ki Moon over their protests to oust the IEBC Commissioners,which seem to escalate in terms of violence cases captured and reported.

Moses Wetangula tried to throw some shade at Moses Kuria but the son of Gatundu had a response in waiting to totally extinguish Weta.

Wetangula asked via Twitter,’ Does the poor tribal bigot even know Ki Moon or what the UN does?’

And Moses had his walking stick ready to cut across and walk over Weta’s sea.

He told him,’Yeah. I met him in.....
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