
Here Is That SHOCKING VIDEO Of Bishop Margaret WANJIRU SLAPPING MIGUNA MIGUNA live on TV For MERCILESLY stri'pping her N@KED during heated exchange on KTN'S JEFF KOINANGE LIVE #JKL (WATCH VIDEO)

Former Starehe MP, Bishop Margret Wanjiru, caused drama on TV yesterday during a heated debate on Jef Koinange Live Show after he allegedly smacked former Raila Odinga’s political advisor, Miguna Miguna, in the face.

The two were debating alongside two other aspirants for the Nairobi Governorship when they went personal.

The two traded barbs and the ensuing exchange Wanjiru allegedly clouted Miguna Miguna in the face after he called him a thief. It all started when Miguna claimed that...
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