Despite what most people believe, men are not the only ones who go out of their ways to ch3at on their spouses.
Married women ch3at for a variety of reasons, most of which stem from unmet emotional needs. When a woman ch3ats, there’s a good chance she’s unhappy in her relationship and has given her situation a lot of thought.
Gender stereotypes breed all kinds of misconceptions, including the belief that good girls don’t cheat. No one is surprised when a man, particularly one who is good-looking and successful, str@ys in their relationship.
But when it comes to a woman being unf@ithful, they express shock and dismay.
But what are the reasons married women cheat on their husbands? What is driving more women into the arms of other men?
Today we bring you the 10 important reasons women cheat on their husbands.
1. Women Want To Feel Wanted
Women may not be as s3'x-driven as men, but they sure do crave int!m@cy. Just like a man feels stressed and bogged down with bills, jobs, kids and the everyday pressure to live up to expectation, most women get these feelings as well.
When such happens, she feels less desired. They then see the man outside who desires them as the real man.
The attention of another man may become irresistible if she doesn’t feel that same p@ssion and connection at home. Low self-esteem may exacerbate the problem as being pursued by another man or engaging in a st3amy s3xu@l relationship can, at least temporarily, be a real ego-booster.
2. Women Want To Be Heard To Feel Heard
Women like to share their feelings and be heard but most times, their husbands are not willing to give them listening ears.
Some men have a limited capacity for listening, especially after years of marriage and hearing the same stories over and over again.
When another man lends a compassionate ear and asks all the right questions, a woman may begin sharing her most int!m@te thoughts and feelings with him instead of her husband and this harmless aff@!r can quickly escalate into a physical one.