....not even remotely close to one billion, let alone four!
2. I have NEVER worked at KRA nor do I know anyone who works there. If I did then I do not believe I’d have queued all those hours renewing my license or transferring my bike ownership. Those queues are just life draining.
3. I believe this is a test and just like every storm, it will pass and I will emerge victorious. The truth never stays hidden. All will be revealed in due time. God’s time is the best. For now, I’ll keep smiling and praying.
4. Everyone who knows me personally knows that I don’t like asking everyone for it. My bail ruling is coming up on March 28, and I’ a praying and hoping for two things. One that I be granted bail and two, it’s a REASONABLE amount. Now reasonable of course is relative to everyone and for me that’s KSh 100,000 as that’s what I can afford. But I’m not the magistrate. All I can do is wait.
Lastly, here is my advice. Let no one steal your joy. Live your life to the fullest like I do. I learned the hard way that life is a precious gift from God and every moment should be treasured. That’s why I will never stop smiling. No matter what. Peace.