
HESSY vs KAYOLE THUGS: Police officer shot by Dandora gang as Another hardcore thug abuse and warns killer cop Hessy...Who is playing with FIRE here, Thugs or Cops? (Photo)

 to Facebook to dare Hessy to venture into his territory in Kayole.

“Hessy mkun** ya umbwa kufika roots za mine ndio utakubali mbona ku** za wa**ka uanga na uchafu. tembeza mkun** but mwenye atakaribia basement za mine atajikuta hana mbo**. Ku** wewe.” Alkalaine Sparta Bwoy wrote.
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ALSO WATCH VIDEO: The Most Dangerous GANGS in Nairobi,Gaza gang,Superpower & 40 Brothers. They are Ruthless and Merciless. If they corner you please cooperate else they will KILL you! 

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