
PETER KENNETH EXPOSED as a NASA project, RAILA is funding him to finish SONKO and Jubilee

..being bankrolled by Raila Odinga and Governor Evans Kidero to spoil Sonko’s chances of becoming President. “Peter Kenneth is NASA project.” “He is working with Raila Odinga and Evans Kidero to split Jubilee votes in Nairobi to the disadvantage of Sonko and President Uhuru Kenyatta,” Shebesh said. The team vowed to teach Kenneth and NASA a lesson come August 8th saying they will ensure Jubilee wins Nairobi.
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ALSO SEE: MIKE SONKO annoys KIKUYUS as he publicly confesses he is RUTO’s project for 2022...He will be Ruto's Running-mate in 2022 and President in 2032!!


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