Billionaire businessman Bundotich Kiprop alias Buzeki has publicly defied Deputy President’s William Ruto’s demand for him to shelf his campaign in favour ofUasin Gishu Governor Jackson Mandago. A defiant Buzeki announced that he would not step down for Governor Mandago hours after DP Ruto had asked him to support the incumbent.
SEE ALSO: Gideon Moi joins Isaac Rutto to fight his 'enemy' DP William Ruto..."I will be the Next President 2022, UHURU and My Father, former President Moi have a deal for Kikuyu support in 2022"“I am an independent and that is final. I will not back off and if Ruto supports him (Mandago) that is fine.” Buzeki defiantly declared. He expressed confidence that he would win the August 8 polls and said that he would let the people decide. The businessman stated that the governor was Ruto’s project and that he...CONTINUE READING IN PAGE 2>>>
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