8. “Fat women can’t do as much as skinny women, and I’m pretty active.”
9. “Living a healthy style is important to me. Fat women don’t lead healthy lives.”
10. “Chubby can be cute. But fat is ugly.”
11. “I’ve broken up with women who let themselves go. It’s my job to earn the money and it’s her job to look good for me and for herself.”
12. “I can’t stand lazy people. If she can’t be bothered to exercise for thirty minutes, that to me is a sign of true laziness.”
I agree that you’re attracted to what you’re attracted to, but I don’t think that gives you a right to be rude.
Online dating is rough enough without some guy responding to a message by saying “hit the gym and then we’ll talk” (totally true, totally happened to me.)
These answers reinforced what I already knew to be true:
We have to change the way we treat fat women.
End of story.
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